CEFA2017 Speakers

Kevin de Cuba
Director, ASDF
Founder and President, Circular Economy Platform of the Americas
(CEP-Americas), Dutch Kingdom

Alexandre Gobbo Fernandes
Co-Founder and Business Development Director, EPEA Brasil, Brazil
Senior Circular Economy Specialist Fernandes & Rossetto Consultores

Octavio Torres Quintana

Sandra Palacio-Vélez
School of Management
EAFIT University

Ignasi Cubiñá
Founder and Director
Eco Intelligent Growth

William McDonough
McDonough Innovation, and William McDonough & Partners Architects
United States

Dr. Keron Niles
Business Unit Manager,
Trinidad & Tobago
Lecturer, Sustainable Green Economy Transition, Institute of International Relations at the University of the West

Lorena Garcia Caicedo
Program Manager, ASDF
Circular Economy Platform of the Americas, Colombia

Adrian Velasco Jácome
Project Director
Grupo Escato

Mark Dorfman
Principle and Biomimicry 3.8 Chemist
Biomimicry Institute,
United States

Alexander Lemille
Circular Economy 2.0 Lead
Founder WizeImpact

Claudia Bedoya
Director of Productivity and Competitiveness
Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism, Colombia

Ken Alston
Senior Advisor
Circular Econoy Platform of the Americas, and Former CEO McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry, United States

Alejandro Alvarez-Vanegas
Professor, Industrial Ecology, and Circular Economy at EAFIT University, Colombia

Albina Ruiz Rios, PhD
Founder and President
Ciudad Saludable

Ken Webster
Director of Innovation
Ellen MacArthur Foundation
United Kingdom

Cletus Springer
Director, Sustainable Development Organization of American States (OAS)
St. Lucia

Garrett Scheffler
Former Ecovative Circular Economy, Product Development Manager, United States

Lina Arbeláez
Manager, Poverty and Inequality
Reduction Area
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)